How To Help A Senior Who Has Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease is a common disease in seniors. It is a disease that gradually destroys the person’s whole mind. Many seniors experience more anxiety from the disease, and have trouble remembering things, even short term. Decisions become harder or even impossible for the person to make. The stress that comes from this can make someone have a change in personality. In order to help you to find maximum comfort and minimal stress, here are some tips to help you out.

Number 1: Plan Ahead

The first tip is to get educated on the disease itself. Alzheimer’s Disease is a progressive disease, and it is best to be prepared for what is ahead if possible. Go online, to the library, or to local organizations that give free information about the disease and read up on it.

Number 2: Find Medical Help

The second tip is to find medical help. Without medical help, Alzheimer’s Disease can be slowed, even though it is impossible to stop the disease altogether. In order to receive the proper resources and help, you need to get a medical professional to diagnose the person’s disease. There is currently no cure for the disease, but the disease can be slowed down.

Number 3: Prepare, Prepare, and Prepare Some More!

The tip is to prepare, prepare, and prepare some more! Things will become very different as the person progresses in the stages of this disease, and it pays to be aware of preparations that need to be made. You do not want to be unprepared for any implications that arise from the person, however small or big the implications are in question.

Number 4: Create an Environment That is Safe

The fourth tip is to create a safe place for the person to live in. Make sure that everything is safe to use. That means creating a whole new environment sometimes.

Number 5: Be Extremely Emotionally Prepared…Be Sensitive Too

The fifth tip is to be extremely emotionally prepared. People who have Alzheimer’s disease will keep you up all night, and may think of you as an imposter or an enemy. They are experiencing a lot of stress and pain, and being sensitive is important. The disease is not the person, and you never want to treat someone like a disease. No one deserves that.

Number 6: Exchange Memories With the Person

The sixth tip is to exchange and share memories with the person. There will come a time when the person will not be able to share memories with you or comprehend information given to them, so this gives them a chance to revisit happy memories from the past.

Number 7: Laugh and Smile With Them

The last tip is to share laughter with them. Everyone loves to laugh, and enjoys kindness and love in general. There is no human that is unable to receive these things either. Even though the person may not recognize who you actually are, no matter how close he or she was to them, they can express emotions through interactions that are in their range of abilities to perform.

Sharing laughter and smiles with someone with the disease can actually help both you and the other receiver many enormous benefits. It has been said that people who laugh the most and are more cheerful are the ones that live longer lives.